LOCKDOWN - Day 6 - Sunday 29th March
Today another day to keeping to a daily schedule recording of 30minutes of exercise, read a book, laugh, game, hobby, 2litres of water.The game today was pentague and finishing the day with a 20minute cycle in the garage and a 20-minute running circuit around the backyard. Still working and updating and completing the Distance Learning for the students of my class. Very happy with the effort and work undertaken to complete the teaching and learning resource when the students return to Distance Learning on Wednesday 15th April.
LOCKDOWN - Day 5 - Saturday 28th March
Today our dog was stung by a wasp in the morning. After making the sure dog had recovered ... 30 minutes later I was stung also by a wasp, prior to the truck transporting 2 cubic meters of firewood. Exercise today was transporting the firewood into the garage. Further progress is being made on the Distance Learning resource. Will update and place a link of the resource after the break!
LOCKDOWN - Day 4 - Friday 27th March
Today was the first day of the official lockdown at home. Started the exercise of the 20-minute bike ride and 15-minute run-up and down the drive following the rules of social distancing. This was after spending the entire day preparing for Distance Learning in 2 weeks' time after our rescheduled school holidays starting on Monday.
LOCKDOWN - Day 3 - Thursday 26th March
Today was another day at school to help and support those community members who are classified as 'essential workers'. Happy to help and support and do my bit under these unprecedented and difficult times in New Zealand and globally.
LOCKDOWN - Day 2 - Wednesday 25th March
Today at the request of the Prime Minister we were asked to go to school to help and support those 'essential workers' who had children and go to school, although we did not have many and or any students at school. We have two days to prepare before the official isolation and family members to be in their bubble.
LOCKDOWN - Day 1 - Tuesday 24th March
Today our school community feeling anxious, with 1 third of the students attending school today. Late in the afternoon, New Zealand received the news from the Prime Minister about schools that will be closing in the next two days and as per midnight on Wednesday New Zealand would be in lockdown.
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